Why would anyone want a nice uncomplicated life right? In my last post regarding this subject (My Creative Space) I know I said I was almost done but then, yesterday, the more I looked at the workspace/desk area the more I realized that although it was a huge (11'x4') working space, it was not very practical. When I first created it, it served it's purpose because I needed a large enough area to work in and to keep two computers so I put together one massive surface which took up the whole wall. (Did I mention I was on a very tight budget?). I created the surface using scraps of material I had which did not make for a very even surface. As I said, it did serve it's purpose at the time. However, now that I do not have a need for two computers, I do not need such a large desk.
Some of the inconveniences of such a large area are:
- It always ends up being a catch all area and becomes a catch all surface instead of a workspace.
- Because I made it so wide and it only had minimal support underneath, it made it impossible for me to finish installing the other part of the corner shelves I've had cut for months and waiting to be put up.
- Because I used call brackets to attach it and support it, it was very hard to work with the numerous cables I constantly need to plug and unplug.
- Because the surface was put together using several pieces of wood, the surface was not even and smooth so I needed to figure out how to create that smooth and even surface (which I still never figured out how to do inexpensively).
- I had no functional drawers for office supplies and filling. Everything ended up "ON" the desk. cluttering it.
Some of the conveniences are:
- It is a large area to work on (once it's been made smooth, even and uncluttered)
- Ability to keep all your tools and materials at hand (when it's uncluttered)
- It was cheaply made (and it showed)
After having my studio organized for a whole three days, I could not take so much organization and order so, yesterday, while my husband and I brainstormed try to come up with a solution for the uneven surface, it occurred to me...HEYYYYY...how about if I just find a desk with drawers at Goodwill or a thrift store! I can use that for the computer area. On the other side, for additional workspace, I can use a good size rolling table I already own. And if I need it, I can always get a shelf!
This morning, bright and early I headed to the Goodwills in the area to find me a desk. I did find one at the third store I visited, bought it and brought it home.
I took apart the old workspace/desk and my clean and organized room now is a war zone AGAIN....*sigh*
Hurricane Lily was here....